Announcing UnityVS 22 Feb 2012

Today we're proud to announce our first product, the object of our work and affection for the past months: UnityVS.

UnityVS is a Visual Studio plugin for Unity programmers.

UnityVS adds support in Visual Studio for the languages that programmers can use in Unity to write scripts for their game: UnityScript and Boo. UnityVS also adds support for debugging your scripts inside Visual Studio, even when running inside Unity's editor.

We plan to enter a closed beta in a few weeks. This announcement is the opportunity for you to participate in the beta, by signing up on UnityVS's web site. It's also the opportunity to help us shape UnityVS firsthand, by telling us which features you're most interested in, for the first release and for the future. Don't hesitate to give us suggestions in the UnityVS survey.

Please follow @UnityVS on twitter for updates!

If you want to learn about how this project came to be, you can read the post dedicated to SyntaxTree and UnityVS on @jbevain's blog.

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